Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wow! I just realized my blog still exists! It's only been like 2 years, come now. Today Gretchen sucked me into hosting a 'back to school' party. Well actually, she hosted, I did the leg work. She had a whole list of activites and did all the hosting and organizing and planning. I'm not sure where she came from! My man's been OOT for 6 days. Sigh. He's really not home too much, but that extra help in the evening is sure nice. Plus I kinda like him.

See! Look how cute he is.

  So my kids are ornery, I am ornery-er and I am ready for school to start! I can't seem to find a 'routine' in the summer. And I am drinking WAY too much diet mountain dew. It is just so refreshing! Some of my fav summer moments. . .

BTW, Gretchen rocked her summer swim meet championships!