Thursday, April 29, 2010

More mess please!

So I was wondering. . . do you think it's possible to make MORE of a mess getting out ONE bandaid?

I'm sure it's possible, and I'm sure we'll experience that soon!

On a sadder note - our in vitro was unsuccessful. Ah, so sad and so stinkin' expensive. Thanks for all your love and support - and lots of cookies and cupcakes will be accepted as condolences. . .

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Remember the 'I Love You!'

Buckling Thatcher into his booster seat is usually a fantastic time to steal a little kiss. His cheeks are so kissable and he's pinned and can't run away! I usually follow it with an "I love you" and often "I could eat you for a sandwich" (cause he's so yummy! ha ha). This morning I buckled him and kissed him, but without the fore mentioned "I love you". As I sat into my seat and started buckling, he said, "no you say, 'I love Thatcher'". How sweet! I promptly added an "I love you!" Note to self: despite all the fighting and asking me not to kiss and hug and love them, that they do appreciate it! Phew - maybe I am doing something right. . .

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thatcher's Preschool

So on about day 2 of Thatcher's life I signed him up for preschool. Put him on the waiting list, that is. We went in, in person, the other day to officially sign up (and pay $$$ of course). So for those of you that know Gretchen well, I spent may days having her peeled off of my arms and legs by her preschool teachers - one time on Halloween her teacher was dressed up as 'the dentist who stole Nemo', very clever and cute, with fins and all, and she had to carry my giant child into the classroom, while I left amidst her screaming. Some of you would say, "Wow, what willpower from a mother to leave that sad child." I tell you, nope. She wore me down way before that. That crying is barely heard in my ears. YOu should have seen her at swimming lessons. But ahh! I regress! So Thatcher's preschool. . .

So we show up, and that little boy made himself right at home. They took us on a 'tour' and a regularly scheduled class was in session. He shoved his way past a teacher coming out into the hall and RAN over and sat down with the class on the rug for storytime! It was the cutest dang thing! And so refreshing after all the tears. . . . He is SO SO excited. I told him when he's 4 he can go (since he'll be 4 in Sept I thought that the simplest explanation. And they gave him a t shirt (or should I say the t shirt was $75) which he wants to wear everyday, and is shown in the pic with the worms (scroll down a post or two). Anyway. I sure love my kiddos - they keep life entertaining and full of sounds!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Easter with the cousins. . .

Grandma Adler likes to get the grandkids matching holiday attire - pretty cute.


I actually wasn't there this day - I was at work (yahoo. fun stuff.) - and I'm thinking that no, Gretchen is not standing on a step or anything. I frequently refer to her as my 'giant'.
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Constant questions. . .

So as per usual spring, Chris has been working non stop. The children's questions are adding up - here was my dinner the other night.
Gretchen asks, "Is Jesus really big?"
me: No I think he's the same size as us.
Gretchen: Do we look really small to him?
me: Well, maybe. Like when you're in an airplane.
Gretchen: Oh yeah and everything looks so tiny small.
Thatcher: Yeah and then Jesus stomps on all the people and the cars!
me: Huh? No, Jesus doesn't stomp on cars and people. (I still don't know where that one came from)
Gretchen: what are carrots made of?
me: Um, carrots.
G: Yeah, but what are they MADE of?
me: Well, you plant a seed and with dirt and water and sun it grows.
G: yeah, but what are they made of?
me: Um, I don't know, just carrots.
G: What is water made of?
me: Well, it comes from rain and snow.
G: I know, but what is it made of?
me: I don't know, heavenly father and Jesus just made it for us.
G: Why don't I like vanilla?
me: Um, I don't know.
G: Is pepper a spice?
me: Well, yeah.
G: Why isn't it in a spice jar?
me: ahh. I don't know.

(really this was non-stop within about 10 minutes. I can really use that 'go ask your dad' - it's rough when he works late!)

Here are some more winners.

As discussing the prospect of another child, and health insurance, Gretchen asks (both Chris and I) "how do you make a baby?"
Hmm. I was hoping we'd have a few years for this one. Chris replied, very well I might add, with a long discussion about eggs in the mom's tummy and that they mix with a part from the dad and then grow for a long, long time into a baby! she said, "Oh."

So then, a few weeks later I went into the doctor, with Thatcher, for an ultrasound and had to disrobe my lower half. Thatcher asks me, "Why are you taking your pants off?" I say, "they just have to look at something in my tummy." He says, "Oh, cause you have eggs in there that turn into babies?" Stunned, I say, "Well, yeah actually." Then he returns to his leapster game. Wow - those kids ears are always open!

We have gone through some in vitro stuff - but with unknown results. But here are the potential candidates. . .

Cute, aren't they?


So Thatcher's word of choice right now is super. Here are a few examples. . .

As said to Daddy when he was sitting in the laundry basket, "I can super fit in here!"
We were walking together and I said, "I'm tired, Thatcher, can you carry me?" And he replied, while carrying his usual handful of toys, "No, me have super lot of things in my hands."
In reference to running, he is always 'super fast'.
He's either 'super hungry', or 'super tired'.

Here's a pic of him with the little 'worm family' we found in the front yard.

He kept trying to kiss them, cause he said, "Me love worms". Ewww.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hooray for dental insurance!!

So being the cheapskate I am, we hadn't had the kids in for too many check ups. Thatcher is an actually never. Oops. But here are the results! They were so good. I was so proud. . .

Gretchen did awesome (considering when she was 3 she had to be sedated for her dental work! The suction thing with the flouride freaked her out after a minute - but man I don't like it either!

She told me that Thatcher was the most cooperative 3 year old she'd ever had! Yeah! And after she finished 'brushing' and putting some flouride on him, then he said, "Now I want cherry!" and he was ready to keep going! Ha ha!