Friday, April 9, 2010

Hooray for dental insurance!!

So being the cheapskate I am, we hadn't had the kids in for too many check ups. Thatcher is an actually never. Oops. But here are the results! They were so good. I was so proud. . .

Gretchen did awesome (considering when she was 3 she had to be sedated for her dental work! The suction thing with the flouride freaked her out after a minute - but man I don't like it either!

She told me that Thatcher was the most cooperative 3 year old she'd ever had! Yeah! And after she finished 'brushing' and putting some flouride on him, then he said, "Now I want cherry!" and he was ready to keep going! Ha ha!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Thatcher! This post also reminded me that it is time to schedule dental appointments for my kiddos :)
