Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy B Day Chris, and more January vegetables!

So Chris received this awesome new shirt in the mail from Lindsay and Kete - thanks guys!

Chris's boss allowed him the day off on his b day - and we went golfing. It was a beautiful day. Thatcher LOVED it. He is no longer happy to sit in the cart and eat snacks - I even tried to brag him with fruit snacks and he wanted nothing to do with them. He wants to be golfing, and where you are supposed to - like on the tee box and hitting his ball into the hole on the green. I can't even distract him and keep him out of the way! Luckily our golf companions were nice about it! Maybe we have a little Tiger on our hands. . .

So I put this shirt on Thatcher and he kept this hood on for about 5 hours!

Here are some of the beauty vegetables from our Schnepf farms outing. It's always nice to have fresh veggies. Speaking of fresh veggies. . .

My vegetables are thriving - I even have some orange-ish tomatoes! What a weird January!
Look - some broccoli seedlings!

My lettuce looks nearly ready!

The orange-ish tomatoes. And after some major pruning, they even recovered from the Christmas-time frost!

With some help from the President I was able to stake my pea plants! Rather creatively if I must say so.


  1. I love having a garden, and hey if you can do it in January even better. I'm jealous of the Arizona weather about now. Jeremy actually wants to apply for a manager posistion in Phoenix, so hey maybe I could enjoy January vegtable someday too!

  2. That is great...fresh veggies in January. I'm jealous.

  3. Happy Birthday CHris, Marianne would be so jealous of the CHuck Norris shirt!
