Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More new work changes.

So, many of you are probably not interested, but I am continuing to be amazed at the differences between my new work and the old one. Mostly I am missing the old one!! I love you folks! And I love knowing my way around. So:
- The nurses work really well as a team. I am thinking this is because of being staffed so well - in addition to the 'team leader' (which is what they call the charge nurse) there is a 'float nurse' that goes around to help other nurses in need, like with deliveries or whatever else.
- The 'team leaders' do not get a pay differential (which many are not happy about).
- No one seems to be in charge of the new hires (namely, me). They kinda pretend that someone is, but basically I am on my own to work out my schedule and paperwork, and such.
- EVERYONE gets stirrups. Yeah, you can imagine how excited I am about this. They even push with them in stirrups! Geez, come on.
- The epidural rate is close to 90%. It's really annoying. I think that the nurses are maybe not very good at helping the unmedicated patients, but also they don't have any midwives. Not a single one. Maybe I should go back to school and be one! There is good staff communication, but not very fab communication between the patient and the staff. But also they don't use PCA epidural pumps, so the patients are typically super numb (which may contribute to the over - stirrup use!).
- The few doc's I have observed so far are really good about being 'hands off' of the perineum, and waiting for the patient to push it out - pass that on to some of my fav. Cottonwood docs! Yeah, you know who they are!
- The anesthesiologists merely show up to the patient room, and the nurses get them their cart, all of their meds, prime their pumps, and position the patient (oh and the consent). The nurses also get all of the anesth. meds for C sections, and give the IV and PO ones as well! Hmmm. This seems like enabling helplessness.

There is of course much good and bad about the new job. Mostly I miss my old friends and co workers in Utah, and knowing my way around the job! I feel like such a useless retard.


  1. Andria you are such a capable nurse I'm sure you are anything but useless.

  2. We miss you as well. Things really haven't changed here. BTW, they are trying to get us to have 2 nurses that come in at 5AM for inductions! Yeah right!

  3. Oh man that sucks about all the stuff you have to do for anesthesia...

    I agree with Kim. You are a very good nurse and definitely not useless.
