Monday, November 3, 2008

Thatcher's favorite sayings

Thatcher's vocabulary is expanding. It's so fun to watch him learn and grow! He will ask questions, "Daddy?" or "nummy?" (which is his binky, or candy) and then I say, "Daddy's at work" or "no we're not having candy right now" and he says, "Oh." It's hilarious. Everything is "Oh."

He currently has a runny nose and he will tell me, "Ewww." That means he wants his nose wiped!

He, like most 2 year olds, wants to do everything himself. So he tells us, many times a day, "No me" and points to his chest.

He was calling every man at the store or where ever else we were "daddy" or "papa" depending on their hair color/age/mustache. It was somewhat embarassing because I worried that people who think he didn't know who his father was! Because of this I said, "no that's just a guy", and now every time someone walks past he says, quite loudly, "Guy?" I can't wait until the embarassing comments become more elaborate.

He's working on peoples names, daddy, mama, papa, mamapapa(grandma), of course guy, but Gretchen remains, "Ehh." He also says ice, shoes/juice (these sounds pretty much the same), I have heard "please" once or twice, "go" (which refers to cars and his bus and also his Cars jammies), gco-gco (which rotates between a helicopter and a motorcycle), and a large amounts of grunts and points and screams. He is a very strong willed and opinionated child. It's hard to believe that a 2 year old can know for sure, and that specifically, what they want!


  1. It's amazing how much they know + understand and we just don't know it until they learn to vocalize. So fun to watch them grow up!

  2. Seriously, how cute! I was actually laughing outloud...he just gets cuter and cuter.

  3. I love this stage!! yes it can sometimes be embarrasing... but it is so darn cute!! Luckily we love our kids so much!!!

  4. I'm so glad other moms feel that same way. One minute I'm ready to toss them out the window and the next minute I'm laughing my head off at something they did or said. I feel like I'm becoming bipolar. Motherhood is not for the faint of heart.
