Saturday, September 6, 2008

Pool Party!

I had no idea a $2 pool could be such a hit! They have been playing and getting along for like 4 whole minutes! Whoopee!

Thatcher's world class jumping video
So this swim party ended with a poopy diaper, and some swimming in the poopy diaper, and it was . . . really gross.

We had some cousins over to play and to have pizza last night - our hubbies were working late. It was great fun! It's coolin off a little down here - only in the low 100s, but mostly the humidity seems to be going away, which makes 100 feel simply delightful!

I had a fabulous hair cut this morning by Karen who comes to your house - I felt like a movie star! Pretty sweet, eh?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. So I have totally been replying to your comments, but that apparently doesn't work! So Liz and Melanie - i guess I'll email you!

  3. Thanks for the fun night. And, your hair is SO CUTE! I'm glad you liked Karen. It is pretty great that she comes to your house, isn't it?

  4. Yeah, the coming to your house to cut your hair is awesome! Plus I am really enjoying the cut. She did a great job!
