Friday, September 5, 2008

Widows suck! Yards rule! Including Pom-Pom trees.

Look what I stumbled upon in my garage! Look closely . . . see the red belly! EWWWWWW! I told Chris we have to move!
So I raced to find my gallon sized bug killa and sprayed him until he couldn't swim any longer! I turned around and he was crawling back up his web! Stupid spider tried to fool me! So I forthwith and posthaste smashed it with a broompan! Try comin' back from that widow head!
On a happier note, we have landscaping! Front AND Back! In memory of Suzi Bria - It's a Christmas miracle!
So funny me thought that if there was no dirt, that it was safe to let Thatcher romp in the yard. Well he managed to find some! Aparently he and Gretchen only had to dig quite shallowly beneath the rocks to find some mud! Ahhhh! It is now handprinted all over my back porch!
So literally yesterday these shrubs had no blossoms! Today we wake up to Purple Mania! They are everywhere and beautiful! Gretchen kept saying, "ah! oh!", and requesting to smell them! Then she added in how much she loves "pom-pom" trees! (aka PALM trees!)
Thatcher fell asleep in the car. He is always so cool and casual.


  1. what is up with the arachnids?? yikes. i hate them, hate them, hate them and think they should all die slow and painful deaths. and snakes. snakes should all die too.

  2. OK just to help you feel better about leaving this lovely place. Picture this--me in charge, a full board, two patients waiting in the waiting room--again me in charge. I wanted to cry. Instead I called Colleen in:)
    We miss you!!!

  3. Andria,

    How are you doing? I found your blog off of Laura's. We miss you. Your house looks nice. How are you adjusting? I bet you will be loving the weather for the next several months. I will be thinking of you when it is 10 degrees outside here...and just be so wishing I were down there too. Hang in there:)

    p.s. We had our baby two weeks ago. We are doing great! We named her Lila Jo.

  4. Andria you are braver than me. No way could I have killed the spider. That is a job for Jeremy. Sounds like you guys are doing well. I still wouldn't mind moving down.
