Monday, August 18, 2008

More Thatcher without Gretchen. . .

( Thatcher seems to find things to do while Gretchen is at school) So I made another IKEA trip and got some organizing items. Thatcher thought you were supposed to sit INSIDE the box to play with the toys!
I was putting felt sticky things on the bottom of chairs and such to avoid scratches and I looked down and Thatcher had put them on his chin! It's an awesome felt beard!

His next magic trick included hiding this misc. hard plastic item. It was up his nose! A good distance, too. I had to pin him down and pull it out with tweezers! Gross!

1 comment:

  1. Andria-
    I'm excieted to keep up with you with your blog. Your home is beautiful, maybe I'll move. Looks like Thatcher is keeping you busy! Keep in touch.
