Saturday, October 4, 2008

Gretchen funnys

So the other day we are driving and Gretchen asks me about those blinking arrows telling you to merge and change lanes. I explain that they are telling you to scoot over because people are working on the road. She replies, "Cause if you don't follow Jesus, that's breaking the rules."

She is trying to carry toys from one room to another (because she can't play anything if she is more than 3 feet from me) and she says, "I wish I had three arms!" Amen to that! I could do wonders with another arm.

As we are making brownie mix, she states, "We can't lick that, huh, cause it has rotten eggs in it!"


  1. You gotta love those sweet comments your kids make! Nothin'like a smile to brighten your day!!!

  2. Andria! This is Kimmy from work(well your old work) :( I Just found out about your blog and I was so happy that I could keep up with you still. You'll have to check out my blog and give me your email address cause i'm going private pretty soon. Your kids are so dang cute. We miss ya tonz and good luck at the new hospital!

  3. I am still laughing, that kid is HILARIOUS!!!

  4. She is hilarious, as I will remind you about the conversation of how babies come out of your tummy!
